Sunday, May 17, 2020

Violent Video Games - 765 Words

Are violent video games harmful to the consumer/player? Are violent games danger to the consumer/player? The violent video game is causing the consumer/player to mental problems by doing bad things and think that is alright. Violent video games are harmful because it allows the consumer/player to actively do crime without being punished. We should increase the age of the consumer/player so they won’t be able to purchase these violent games and some of the consumer/player isn’t mentally stable and if they get shooting fighting games would mess with their mental state even more. Facts that video games are harmful. Bissell says that â€Å"he was disturbed to find that game prompts a player to torture another person in order to get†¦show more content†¦Rather than looking after their baby, Sarangs (baby name) parents spent hours a day playing an online fantasy game called Prius at an internet cafe. Ironically and sadly their gameplay included raising a virtual child. Not only those the video games harm the consumer/player but also harm the people around him/her. However, the case spurred fierce debate worldwide. People wondered whether video games really could be addicting. The writer and director of the film Valerie Veatch. Argues that while Garangs death was an extreme case, the fact is that all around the world people are becoming increasingly attached to video gaming and other internet activities. From the death of Sarang people are questioning if theyre addicted to a game and how the can change. The crime rate from playing video games. A psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games. Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.An 18-year old gunman who killed nine people in Munich, Germany, on Friday was a fan of first-person shooter video games, according to reports. This detail in the unspooling story of the rampage led many to worry that violent video games may be negatively affecting their own children. This what I mean that violent video games are harming people mental state and convincing that doing this crime is alright. video games have a long and disturbing history of being tied toShow MoreRelatedViolent Games And Violent Video Games1122 Words   |  5 PagesAs video game images become increasingly more realistic and graphic. Therefore, is there any link between the violence depicted in those games and violence in real life? Students are the main group people who played violent video games ver y often. Also, losing a game causes many people to have a negative impact. Last, the attitudes on violent game and antisocial. Games are everywhere around us, such as cellphones, televisions, or computers, but violent games are the most popular type of game. TheRead MoreVideo Game : Violent Video Games927 Words   |  4 PagesThe video game industry possible causing behavioral problems for people of all ages. Video game violence isn’t breaking news for years people have played games with murder and sexual innuendos. People ask why violent video games are so attractive, maybe it’s a way to escape from real life or even therapeutic. History shows us that human being like violence, in roman time gladiators killed people and animals for sport with huge number of people as an audience. Today the video game industry has foundRead MoreVideo Games and Violent Video Games Effect1225 Words   |  5 Pages A video game is â€Å"an electronic game in which players control images on a television or computer screen† (Merriam-Webster). Video games have been entertaining and challenging gamers since the Game Boy to modern console games. Despite the simplicity of the definition of video games, a video game, especially ones containing violence can have a large effect on the gamer. Because of the realism and advancements in the video game industry, video games can influence the player, and can make the gamerRead MoreVideo Game Violence : Violent Video Games1626 Words   |  7 PagesDavis English III 27 March 2015 Video Game Violence Violent video games have been being created since the first console. Yet only recently have we been blaming them for aggression in the player. We as humans have a tendency to blame our violent behavior on other things rather thin ourselves. Now aggression is being defined in many ways in this situation but mainly people point to the anger that’s brought out in the real world after the game or maybe it’s the gamers’ tendency to haveRead MoreViolent Video Games Are Violent1677 Words   |  7 Pages2016 Violent Video Games Effect The future of entertainment revolves around technology which perhaps has caused video games to become more and more realistic over time. Although they often are entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as computing technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity of violent video games has caused an increase in controversy. Many parents and researchers say the video games are now becoming too violent. The violent videoRead MoreViolent Video Games 886 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican child spends on video games per week is 8 hours? That’s a more than a whole school day! Many kids today are spending more and more time on video games. Not only is it damaging to the brain and body, but it also can cause insanity and dementia. Many of the mass murderers of the past have been found to play violent video games. Teens should not be permitted to play violent video games to ensure that they will not become aggressive. The foundation of the first video games was the CRT. The cathodeRead MoreVideo Game And Violent Video Games1574 Words   |  7 PagesAlong with the rapid development of the internet in recent years, game and violence game have become companions of young people. We could not deny the fact that video game already has strong attraction for many people. Especially in today’s society, when work pressure is growing, gaming is an effective solution to relieve tension, dispel feeling of fatigue, anxiety. Playing the normal video game, which it not include any violence scenes, plus regulatory reasonable playing time can help players relaxedRead MoreRegulation of Violent Video Games2128 Words   |  8 PagesIssue: Video games are the primary source of entertainment for children nowadays. Be it in form of Wii Games, Nintendo or Xbox; children nowadays seems to be practically smitten with video games. It was also shown as evidence in some cases that the influence of such games is so huge that few children start speaking and acting like characters in the video games. Many video games, dating back to 1976’s Death Race, contain some or other aspect of violence, such as killing the bad person, driving dangerousRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Violent Video Games2382 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract The issue of video game violence seems to be a hot topic right now after several shootings have occurred and made a connection to the shooters being video gamers. In looking at past research it is apparent that there seems to large amounts of research that contradict one work to another. Although I would have been interested in conducting a poll of the publics opinion regarding the use of violent video games and their connection to mass shootings I was not able to conduct the researchRead MoreVideo Games And Violent Violence1345 Words   |  6 PagesOn television, iPads, cell phones, and even specially made devices for babies and children. Video games are interwoven with our daily lives. For many, it is just an innocent way to relax or enjoy themselves. For others, it has become an addiction in which they cannot escape. Not all video games are violent, but what about those that are? Does society have an obligation to monitor every type of video game children and adults play simply because they believe it may lead to acts of violence? Psychologists

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dialectical Behavior Therapy And Mindfulness Essay

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mindfulness Mindfulness is another way of meditation. Meditation was used to seek to improve one’s psychological or physical health, or spiritual growth. (Brantley, 2007). The history of Mindfulness comes from Buddhism and his search for enlightenment and a foundation of the four noble truths. The Buddha teaching focus on the four noble truths which consist of knowing suffering exists, there is a cause of suffering, there is cessation of suffering and there is a path that leads to the cessation of suffering. (Van Gordon, 2015). The four noble truths were not only there to represent the Buddha’s experiential understanding of suffering, but also to express the truth (Van Gordon, 2015). Studies of Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths teach us that there is always going to be suffering in our life but to find ways to overcome suffering (Tsering, 2005). Over the years Mindfulness has been a way to treat a variety of health related conditions any where form stress, anxiety and even cancer (M.Orsillo, 2010). Practicing mindfulness does not relate directly to any specific faith or religious beliefs. Mindfulness inside the practice of social work was implemented to help those with suicidal thoughts and borderline personality disorder. DBT teaches individuals the skill to not be judgmental. Being non-judgmental can be a difficult skill these days because we were raised or taught to have different thoughts and points of views (Brantley, 2007).Show MoreRelatedThe Dsm 5 : Bipolar And Related Disorders1693 Words   |  7 Pageshigh rates of comorbidity with other disorders. There is a range of symptoms and their severity varies, but it seems to be the consensus that the core symptoms are: elation where the child may laugh hysterically or act overly happy. Grandiose behaviors where children act as if they are above rules norms. The Children may also believe that they do superhuman deeds and are invincible. Flights of ideas or J umping from topic to topic rapidly during a normal conversation. Decreased need for sleepRead MoreThe Group Rules And Norms978 Words   |  4 Pagesmediation techniques, which include trigger points, mindfulness, and deep breathing techniques. Nutrition: Foods and substances that cause stress, anxiety, and depression: Clients will learn about pseudostressors hidden in foods and legal drugs that cause anxiety, depression, and contribute to negative mental health symptoms. Will distribute handouts with lists of pseudostressors . Holistic: Benefits of exercise, nutrition, and meditation/mindfulness. Clients will learn about the benefits of exerciseRead MoreDialectical Behavior Therapy Is A Second Wave Therapy1065 Words   |  5 PagesDialectical Behavior Therapy is a Third Wave Therapy created by Marsha Linehan in the 1970’s. It comes from a Cognitive Behavioral perspective. In High School she wanted to become a psychiatrist and work with the most mentally disturbed patients. She realized, however, that there weren’t a lot of effective treatments for these patients. She then decided to earn a PhD in experiential personality psychology (Prochaska Norcross 2014 p. ). Linehan wanted to work with the most difficult patients,Read MoreEssay on Addiction: Suffering, acceptance, and change1644 Words   |  7 Pagesjust as I am, then I can change (see Many modern approaches to addiction recovery utilize a dialectical model to examine the change process. Third wave behavioral therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), along with mindfulness meditation (MM), and the 12 Step Recovery model of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) use a dialectic based on acceptance of what is and change to what can be. TheseRead MoreMy Emerging Behavioral Therapy Theory1711 Words   |  7 PagesMy emerging theory employed aspects of therapy from the humanism, existentialism, dialectical behavior, and when necessary exposure therapy. These theories have represented me as a person. As I have presented them here, they through the lens of each other, they work to form one integrative approach. As Rogerian humanism has laid the foundation for ways of being, this theory also incorporated Dr. Marsha Linehan’s structure of dialectical behavioral therapy’s and goals expressed by Yalom in existentialismRead MoreMedical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan1467 Words   |  6 Pagestreatment plan for major depressive disorder include provide pharmacological consult, address psychosocial problems, and afford psychotherapy interventions. Psychotherapy is one of the major components in mental health treatment. It is noted as talk therapy that consists of counseling, interpersonal persuasion, psychosocial education, and personal coaching (Prochaska Norcross, 2010). Psychotherapy also carries the objectives of helping people to make therapeutic change and also to reach mutually agreed-uponRead MoreResearch1407 Words   |  6 Pagessocial functioning. Gul (2015) concludes that video modeling, as well as social stories, can help people with intellectual disabilities overcome their social challenges. Modelling helps teach a new trait or encourages the person to change the existing behavior. Barron, Hassiotis, and Banes (2002) established that UK programs such as sex offender treatment for criminals with IQ’s between 70 and 80, as well as limited social functioning, were significantly effective. The program provided sex education, helpedRead More1.Provide A Brief Overview Of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy1462 Words   |  6 Pages1. Provide a brief overview of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Your definition should include key concepts/assumptions of CBT as well as the therapeutic process (e.g., structure, therapist role, client role). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a mixture of both Cognitive Therapy (CT), which deals with a person’s thoughts and Behavioral Therapy (BT), which concentrates on an individual’s overt or outside personality. According to Barbara P. Early and Melissa D. Grady, CT specializes in theRead MoreThe First Wave Of Psychological Therapy1386 Words   |  6 PagesMindfulness The first wave of psychological therapy focused on the clinical application of behavior principles. The second wave introduced cognition into therapy and linked the idea of irrational thoughts to behavioral issues (Hayes, Follette, Linehan, 2004). The third wave is the most current theory which focuses on traditional cognitive-behavioral concepts with the addition of mindfulness techniques and the acceptance of thoughts (Hayes, Masuda, Bissett, Luoma, Guererro, 2004). This thirdRead MoreBehavioral Therapy And Cognitive Therapy869 Words   |  4 Pagespaper, I will compare and contrast Group Therapy and Cognitive therapy, more specifically, dialectical behavioral therapy, and the differences between assessment types that clinicians use to determine a diagnosis and therapy that would best benefit their client. In the second part of my paper, I will discuss and address different considerations in which a therapist should make in order to provide a safe and effectively therapeutic env ironment. Though therapy is a largely utilized form of mental health

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Electronic Components and Technology Conference †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Electronic Components and Technology Conference. Answer: Introduction: The Sn solder alloy was made from the copper, lead, top and indium to get the solder alloy of low melting temperature. These elements were weighed initially by the balance of electronic that is digitally based of every nominal then followed by melting in the furnace by the temperature of 450degress Celsius for around one hour to get the composition that is homogeneous. The ingot was melted again for around four times. Then the ingots underwent compression to the thickness of one millimetre by using the hydraulic compression machine and pressed by the puncher to the billet shape for melting and the test of hardness. Before the test, the billets were polished and etched in the natal for around sixty seconds and observed under the microscope optical for the study of microstructures. The test of the wettability was performed by soldering the Sn solder alloy on the substrate of copper and the angle of contact was measured using the software of VIS pro. Melting point was evaluated using the test of differential scanning calorimetry. The test of hardness was performed based on the Vickers hardness with the load of one kilo-newton applied to the Sn solder alloy. The thickness of the billet was 5 millimeter with the thickness of one millimeter in every element; the billets were used to test the density. The density of the Sn solder alloy was determine by the use the machine of electronic densimeter to ensure that the values gotten are accurate by calculation of the density(Hess, 2014). For the analysis of the thermal, the temperature for melting was analyzed by the use of the differential scanning electron from the instrument of TA. The analysis was performed at the rate of heating of 10degrees Celsius per minute with the temperature ranging from o to 500 degrees Celsius under the atmosphere of nitrogen. The bullet weight was approximated to be 10 grams. The coefficient expansion of thermal of the Sn was evaluated by the use of the L75 machine of series of platinum from the leases. The bullet solders were cylindrically made with the 5mm of diameter and 10mm of height. Testing of the shear was carried out for strength testing of the joints. The extreme shear forces were determined with the velocity of crosshead of 0.01mm/s and transformed to strength of shear(Hua, 2015). On the addition of the bismuth to the Sn-based soldier reduces the temperature of the melting at once promote the wetting. with the addition of the bismuth, the SAC microstructure of the Sn solder alloy is changed drastically from the primary Sn grain large number surrounded by the regions of eutectic to a large number of the needle-like small AgSn and particles of CuSn that are dark grey, that is distributed uniformly within the matrix of the alloy. The Bi cluster particles with around the dimension of 2micrometer could be observed when the content of Bi is 3wt/%(Jiang, 2015). Iron is used in the industries because its cheap, available, its toxicity is very low, high balancer of temperature and excellent magnetic and mechanical properties. The addition of Fe element to the Sn soldier alloy boosts the wettability of the soldier and also inhibits none particle growth to the solder alloy. The nanoarrays morphology was investigated by the use of scanning electron microscope and the analyzer of the quantitative chemical was performed by the X-ray of the energy dispersive spectroscopy. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy examines were made by the alpha of K monochromatic high-performance XPS spectrometer(Jiang, 2012). The studies of the X-ray diffraction were performed by using diffractometric of Rigaku Radb equipped with the copper K radiation. Thermal diffusivity of the Sn solder alloy was measured using the instrument of nano flash where the side front of the sample was heated by the light pulse and the signals of the resulting temperature verse time on the rear surface was evaluated using the detector of infrared(Jiang, 2012). Ageing of the samples subsequently resulted in the copious formation of the CF voids, their growth and clustering. It noteworthy that the CV voids were found more near the Cu6Sn5 intermetallic in the soldier bulk or near the layer of IMC on the substrate of copper(Jiang, 2014). For the analysis of the thermal, the temperature for melting was analyzed by the use of the differential scanning electron from the instrument of TA. The analysis was performed at the rate of heating of 10degrees Celsius per minute with the temperature ranging from o to 500 degrees Celsius under the atmosphere of nitrogen. The bullet weight was approximated to be 10 grams An assymetrical intefacial microstructures were detected at bottom and top boundaries of copper-Sn when the scanning electron microscope was used after aging of isothermal at 120 degrees celcius for different occasions. the interfacial assymetrical microstructures resulted from Bi segregation that attributed to difference in the density betwewen the atoms of Bi and Sn. Bi atomes were transferred to the bottom of interface of Solder-Cu by the gravity during the procedure of soldering because the atoms of Bi are massive than the atoms of Sn. with the increasing time of ageing, BI was found at the bottom of interfacer of Cu-Sn and its segregation leads to the growth of intermetallic compounds of Cu-Sn , blocked transport of Sn to the intermetallic compounds of Cu-SN and facilitated their growth. While investigating the microstructure of pure tin samples the voids of crystallographically faceted were still observed but were rare or fewer groups of CFV were seen though could be found in any material in lower amounts. Standard alloy systems of SnBi have the melting point of 138 degrees Celsius. Hence, the targeted temperature for melting range of the alloy was preferred to be below 170 degrees Celsius. This enables the temperature for the soldering to be limited to 170 to 200 degrees Celsius avoiding the damages of the thermal to the components of the soldiered electronics. The low point of melting is desirable because it saves cost through low consumption of the power. Narrow liquids and solidus temperature range were preferred for the alloy because it favors the process of soldering and the case of the system of Sn-Bi results in the solder joint preferred cosmetically(Meininger, 2012). Sn-Bi Low dissolution of the copper is preferred to avoid destruction of the solder alloy. Allow with the high content of Sn and Ag and allows with high melting points have the best properties of copper dissolution. High dissolution of copper in any soldier alloy leads to the formation of the Cu6Sn5 phase of intermetallic. Which is observed in the case of Cu-Sn-Bi alloy compared to Sn BI has the lower rate of Cu Sn formation. The tests of tensile were performed as per the ASTM E8 tensile test. The addition of Sn BI alloy leads to high strength of the tensile Copper added to the alloy of Sn-Bi form the CuSn intermetallic that is dispersed in the matrix. The phase of Sn with the dispersed Bi forms the morphology of lamellar that is a type of eutectic Sn42Bi58 phase. Although CuSn intermetallic is in the matrix, the addition of 0.4wt% Cu increases the elongation and the strength of the alloy. Other additions help in the strengthening the precipitate of Si-Bi matrix and refined microstructures of the alloy for strength improvement of the solder alloy. The microstructure of the Sn42Bi58 sample bulk is found to be lamellar with more continuity of high brittle Bi-rich phase of lighter color in the Sn-Bi soldier eutectic. Minor additions of elements like Cu refine the microstructure hence the case of Sn42Bi57.6Ag0.4, the continuity of large phase pf Bi brittle with large areas of the ductile phase like Sn in the solder eutectic alloy(Moon, 2010) A low-temperature processing is necessary for stopping damages of heat to the devices of electronics during process of soldering. Soldering at low temperature reduced the danger of the shock of thermally prompted by the mismatch of expansion between many materials in the packages of electronics. The elements of alloying used to reduce the temperature of melting of the solder alloy should obey to the directives of resistance of the materials that are hazardous and possess low melting point like bismuth, indium and gallium(Zhu, 2013). Another application of step soldering that is common when the soldering the device that needs many steps which is the availability of solders with the low point of melting will make many processes of reflow on the single board. In this application, the soldier in the step of subsequent must have the reduce melting point than the one utilized in the step of preceding(Panigrahi, 2017). Because of the demand for the utilization of electronic gadgets in the industry, the solder connection use has improved. Regarding the toxicity of the lead in Sn Pb solder alloy, coming up with the lead-free alloy solder with the low temperature of the melting point in one of the most significant issue in the electronic industry(Yim, 2016). The testing of the differential scanning calorimetry indicates that the alloy of the alloy gave low melting temperatures as 141.31 degrees Celsius. Conventional technologies of soldering have become essential for the packaging and interconnection of all gadgets of electronics and circuits. Customary tin-lead has been using as inter-connects of electrical in the industries of electronics, however, the toxic lead causes the dangerous impact on the health and environment(Wong, 2014). The temperature of melting is a grave characteristics of solder since it regulates the systems temperature of operation and less temperature of processing that the device should persist. The melting curves of Sn Bi were evaluated from the endothermic topmost of single sharp of heating curve of DSC within the temperature of zero to five hundred degrees Celsius. Ultimately the solder alloy efficiency depends on the process of alloying and examples like Sn-Pb, Sn-Cu, and Sn-Bi are the mixtures of elements giving out solder alloy(Zhu, 2013). It is true that the formation of characteristics and kinetic of copper-Sn intermetallic compounds in the chip ceramic carrier that is leadless surface mounts soldier joints when the soldering the reflow. a thickness of the Cu-Sn IMC layer in the surface mount soldier joint is caused by the high temperature of reflow when soldering, prolonged time of storage, long time of reflow, and long operation term of the electronic assembly at room temperature. When the Sn-Pb solder melts on the substrate of the copper of a printed circuit board when soldering, Cu-Sn IMC forms immediately at the interface and function as the material for bonding between the pad Cu and the bulk material. It is illustrated as: d=square root of Dt. where d is the thickness layers, D is the coefficient of interdiffusion, and t is the time for aging. High magnification SEM diagrams showing the views of cross section of the interface of Cu-SN in the surface of 0805 mounted joints of soldier annealed at 155 degrees Cel sius. DSC results and discussion of soldier alloy The results of DCS are summarized above and the temperature for melting of the soldier was measured as 160.67 degrees Celsius, 34.85% lower than the temperatures of other alloys with around 217 degrees Celsius and 18.88% lower than the melting temperatures of CuSn and Cu Sn BI with 183 degrees Celsius. All the samples showed the melting peak of 143.51 degrees Celsius and after the eutectic point of melting the peak of melting was around 143.51 degrees Celsius to 160.67 degrees Celsius. Cu has the lowest point of melting compared to other types of metals and its addition to the soldier can decrease reduces the melting point by around 4% This repeat presents the results of the experiments om the Sn42Bi58 joint solders, SEM and optical microstructures of their matrix and the copper interface, behavior of the solidification studied, melting points by differential scanning calorimetry, creep, copper wettability and fatigue of low cycle. Because of the demand for the utilization of electronic gadgets in the industry, the solder connection use has improved. Regarding the toxicity of the lead in Sn Pb solder alloy, coming up with the lead-free alloy solder with a low temperature of a melting point is one of the most significant issues in the electronics industry. The testing by the differential scanning calorimetry demonstrations that the solder alloy produces the low melting temperatures as 141.31 degrees Celsius. Conventional technologies of soldering have become essential for the packaging and interconnection of all gadgets of electronics and circuits. Customary tin-lead has been used as interconnects of electrical in the industries of electronics, however, the toxic lead causes a dangerous impact on the health and environment. Ultimately the solder alloy efficiency depends on the process of alloying and examples like Sn-Pb, Sn-Cu, and Sn-Bi are the mixtures of elements giving out solder alloy. A low-temperature processing is necessary for stopping damages of heat to the gadgets of electronics during process of soldering. Soldering at low temperature reduced the danger of the shock of thermally induced by the mismatch of expansion among many materials in the packages of electronics. The elements of alloying used to lower the temperature of melting of the solder alloy should obey to the directives of resistance of the materials that are hazardous and possess low melting points like bismuth, indium and gallium. Another application of step soldering that is common when the soldering the device that needs many steps which is the availability of solders with the low point of melting will make many processes of reflow on the single board. In this application, the soldier in the step of subsequent must have the lower melting point than the one used in the step of preceding. There are many types of dopants that can be added to the solder alloys and enhance solder alloys properties. The alloy solders functions as the dopants and the matrix act a reinforcement in the learning materials. An of the dopants to the alloy solder gives good microstructure, slower the layer growth of IMC increases the hardness of the alloy soldier and the strength of high shear, also it increases elongation and changes the fracture to the ductile fracture. While developing new alloys for the temperature, improvements in the properties of mechanical serves as the key to indication of the potential performance. In this report, many alloys that are low temperatures like lead-free and eutectic with good mechanical properties, high conductivity of thermal, high resistance of creep and low rate of dissolution of copper. Improvement in the properties of metallurgical and the properties for soldering for SMT assembly have been gotten. These improvements were made by maintaining the desirable attribute like alloy spread and melting temperature close to the Sn-Bi standards eutectic alloys. Bibliography Hess, D., 2014. The growth of carbon nanotube stacks in the kinetics-controlled regime. 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